Wednesday 3 May 2017

Dog Eat Dog...

Councillor Laila Butt, cabinet member for community safety and enforcement, said: “This is a victory for tenants, decent landlords and the dogged determination of our diligent investigation and enforcement officers.
“It’s more evidence that this council will relentlessly pursue rogue landlords in our resolve to stand up for decent housing standards for Londoners.”
She added: “This illegal extension and filthy flats would not have looked out of place in a Rio slum. Through our tough enforcement action they have been demolished so no one else has to suffer such bad living conditions.
“What makes matters worse is her connection to the estate agency - she knew the law and was intentionally exploiting people who find it hard enough to find property to rent at affordable prices.”
Damn! The pictures!

Maybe the 'Guardian' is right, ghastly English landlords exploiting poor immigrants who are desperate?

This is clearly the capitalist society writ large, and I should vote for Corbyn to protect the desperate from these voracious native exploiters of the poor, right?
Zoofshan Malik of Upney Lane, made £2,850 a month in rental income from the ‘beds in sheds’ at the back of a property she owned in Longbridge Road.

But that's probably just a flash in the pan and...
A rogue landlord who repeatedly rented out an overcrowded and illegally-converted house in east London has been fined more than £10,000.
Petko Borisov, who lives in Lewisham, was brought to court after council officers found him renting his Dagenham property out without the correct licence – despite being fined for it two years previously.


  1. Gov't should stay out of bed/room/property rental market. Everything they do makes it more expensive as less supply.

    If I want to pay GBP 5 per day to have a bed in a cupboard rather than live on a park bench or under a bridge that's my choice and preference.

    I don't want self-righteous state employees telling me "...for your own good you must go back to park bench"

    Allow free market to develop & work, another landlord will provide more for same or less.

  2. They demolished the substandard property, but no mention of building a better one. Presumably they think the ex residents would be better off in a shop doorway.

  3. "Gov't should stay out of bed/room/property rental market. Everything they do makes it more expensive as less supply."


    "They demolished the substandard property, but no mention of building a better one."

    I wonder who the freehold passed to..?
