Tuesday 2 May 2017

Well, At Least Florists Are Making A Living

A friend of the teenager who is also 17, last night laid flowers at the spot where Mohammed was fatally stabbed in the York Road estate.
The friend said: “He was a clean hearted boy. He was only 5ft that’s why he was known as Little Mo. I can’t understand why anyone would want to this. It’s getting out of hand. He was a lovely person. He studied with my brother.”
The student added: “It’s dangerous on the streets. Things are getting ridiculous it’s very scary. I just try to keep my head down. If you ask me Little Mo was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I have shed a tear over this. He just didn’t deserve it.”
Which rather argues that some people who are stabbed do, I suppose?
Troy Best, whose son was close friends with Mohammed, said: “It’s very sad and his family and friends are absolutely distraught.
“We hope the police can catch up with the people who did this very soon, this violence has to stop.
“We have to start taking time to talk to the youth out here because they are dying before they have even lived. All some of them need is a bit of guidance.
“It hurts my heart to see so many young people dropping like flies.”
You'd think they were talking about some disease, wouldn't you? Some random act, like a meteorite strike from the heavens? Something people's own decisions and actions cannot influence.


  1. When police can't be bothered to deal with reported crime, always look for the silver lining, Julia. And if I may paraphrase Germany's late Führer 'these things have a way of sorting themselves out.'

  2. And Ms Abbott is not the only taxpayer to confuse Mr Plod's value with his pay packet.

  3. I note that there is no mention of it being a race hate crime, which leads me to believe the offenders were, themselves, of Somali origin. Gang warfare? Will expect reports of revenge attacks. While sad that kids have taken these territorial battles to such an extreme, I actually find myself agreeing with Melv. Must go and have a lie down.

  4. Few would disagree, Penise. The financial gulf between the two amounts bewilders most folk.

  5. "And if I may paraphrase Germany's late Führer 'these things have a way of sorting themselves out.'"

    Wasn't that their current one, Frau Merkel? ;)

    "I note that there is no mention of it being a race hate crime, which leads me to believe the offenders were, themselves, of Somali origin."

    Almost certainly a blue-on-bl... errr. Well, you know what I mean. ;)
