Sunday 25 June 2017

Because Nothing Says 'We're No Snowflakes!'... wearing cat ears on our demo.


  1. Twin pussycats with mentally-challenged expressions = snowflakes for sure!

  2. Is that it?
    All you've got is to criticise how they dress?
    Ambush fail....

  3. Rosie the Riviter was a quitter.

  4. The look of total anguish is because thier mobile phones have only got 7% left

  5. Anon, no-name comments are really cowardly, but this time I'll bite.

    Dress tells us something about people. E.g., niqabs, crash helmets and jeans all impinge on our minds before anyone's spoken, but no-one can help the associations created. So yes, it's very easy to spot the politically-immature, the emotionally vulnerable, the well-off children playing at being different to their parents.

    Anonymous fail....

  6. It's almost like they have to wear fancy dress. Not sure what that says...


  7. "Is that it?
    All you've got is to criticise how they dress?"

    No, I'm just getting started!

    "It's almost like they have to wear fancy dress. Not sure what that says..."

    They might just be furries! :D
