Monday 26 June 2017

Who To Believe..?

There's the NHS and the police involved, after all:
Relatives said Da Costa’s doctor had told them before he died that he had sustained a broken neck, brain damage as a result of head injuries, a broken collarbone and loss of his eyesight due to the quantity of CS spray used on him.
“This is what the doctors told us,” said his cousin, Natalia Leles. “We were told by the doctor – my uncle was told by the doctor – plenty of us witnessed him say this: that his collarbone was broken, that he suffered fractures on his head, which caused him to seizure.”
Cue the mob! Riots!

Oh, hang on...
The IPCC said on Friday: “The preliminary postmortem found that Mr Da Costa did not suffer a broken neck or any other spinal injury during his interaction with the police. It found he did not suffer a broken collarbone or bleeding to the brain.
“Rigorous investigations into the cause of Mr Da Costa’s death are continuing, including into the use of force.”
The watchdog said it was releasing those details because it was concerned about the “rapid spread of false and potentially inflammatory information” online about Da Costa’s condition.
Maybe the police & NHS are off the hook, then? Now, who could possibly stand to gain from these sorts of rumours, I wonder?

Update: Ah. Of course. The usual suspects. Maybe if that doctor can be traced and admits to having said this, he should be hit with the clean-up bill?


  1. Death while black? Has to be someone else's fault!

  2. Police pathologist and death certificate salesman, Dr Freddy Patel, said that Da Costa's demise was the worst case of a deceased troublemaker trying to make his suicide look like murder, since the corpses of Anthony Hardy and Ian Tomlinson had tried to fool him.

  3. Well. I am shocked.

  4. "Death while black? Has to be someone else's fault!"

    So often, it's the fault of someone else who's black!

    "Well. I am shocked."

    It won't shut them up. The next claim by a sleazy brief will probably be that they shoved them down his throat!
