Friday 23 June 2017

I Guess The Mad Terrorist-Supporting Socialist Wasn't The Biggest Danger In The Recent Election After All... was the desperate-to-cling-to-power wet 'Tory':

Theresa May has promised the Grenfell Tower tragedy will not be used as excuse to carry out immigration checks, after it emerged victims were not seeking help over fears they would be reported to the Home Office.
In statement given to the House of Commons on Thursday, the Prime Minister said the immigration status of those affected by the tragedy or those providing “vital” information would not be investigated.
If there's a more dangerous precedent than telling people who don't obey our laws that a tragic fire could see them home free with a British passport, then I don't know what it is...


  1. "If there's a more dangerous precedent than telling people who don't obey our laws that a tragic fire could see them home free with a British passport, then I don't know what it is..."

    Buying them a luxury apartment outright to live in for ever probably runs it pretty close. Talk about a perverse incentive,

  2. Madness utter and complete madness to give an amnesty like this. It shows complete disrespect for the law and more importantly the indigenous people of these Islands and those who have settled here legally and are keeping their noses clean.

    I agree with Starbryte that this is indeed a perverse incentive. Nothing good is going to come of this decision nothing. It's going to further disgust and anger people in the broader population many of whom were already, worryingly in my view, starting to withdraw their sympathy from the victims of the Grenfell House fire.

    This withdrawal of sympathy, something I'm starting to notice on various BB's and the comment sections of alternative news outlets, is for many reasons such as because of the number of illegals who may have been resident in the block before their deaths. Others are angered by the impression that the block seemed to house a lot of people who were from overseas and who appeared to have been given better housing than the rest of us could get.

    On top of that you have the aggressive behaviour and attitude of entitlement that was displayed by the Corbynite thugs who have squatted on this tragedy and engaged in violent disorder at the town hall. I say 'squatted' on the tragedy because understand that there are very few genuine survivors of the fire who joined in with the violence at the Town Hall which was mostly as far as I could ascertain done by the Corbynite brown shirts .

  3. Well expect to see a lot more building being burnt to the ground as part of our new immigration process. Our politicians really are useless.

  4. So much for the Tories being the party of law and order, eh.

    I notice that the comments in the linked article are not really in support of this line of action. I can't for the life of me see why the government can pick and choose what laws are followed and the people who don't have to follow them. Does this means that we can all claim an exemption from the law if we have suffered a tragedy? Well, I think I know the answer to that one!

    Incidentally, I notice that the 'Day of Rage' was a spectacular failure, the main protagonists being the rag, tag and bobtail rent-a-mob of the left.

    I can't help feeling that May and her government are finished. I wonder what we will get next?

  5. Stupid, stupid woman.

    Expect 1,000s of illegals to claim they lived there and all docs destroyed in fire with support from human rights vultures aka lawyers.

    Littlejohn wrote today that occupancy was ~600 in the 120 1 and 2 bedroom flats.

  6. Teresa May was useless as home secretary and her incompetence as Prime Minister is now plain for all to see. This can only mean that she has an agenda that us natives on this island are not privy to. I do wonder what Her Majesty thinks of all this. If the government can suddenly find all this money to help recent immigrants to this land, then they can certainly find a similar fund for those whose ancestors fought and died for it.

  7. Well done, even it has taken quite a while for the penny to drop. I though she was incompetent as Home Secretary but she has managed to raise (or lower) the bar with her performance as PM. The current government are running scared, if, and I say if, public order breaks down over the next few weeks then anything could happen. As another commentator said of her 'at this rate we'll be joining the euro in a few weeks time'. ANY reputation the conservatives had for competence is gone, what worries me is who comes after or what happens next. Corbyn? No I remember the truly nasty and evil people he supported in the past and Corbynmania is a cult, nothing else. He will exposed if he gains power, which I hope he never does.
    AS for PMTM having an agenda? She does have one, cling to power at any cost and stuff everybody else. In a few years time she will be a great case study for 'leaders' who surround themselves with people who tell them what they want to hear rather than what they need to hear.
    As I have said I am greatly enjoying a whole flock of chickens come home to roost.

  8. Or coming home to roost even.

  9. "Talk about a perverse incentive..."

    If the Tory Party doesn't ditch this useless bitch, it's finished.

    "This withdrawal of sympathy, something I'm starting to notice on various BB's and the comment sections of alternative news outlets, is for many reasons such as because of the number of illegals who may have been resident in the block before their deaths. Others are angered by the impression that the block seemed to house a lot of people who were from overseas and who appeared to have been given better housing than the rest of us could get. "

    I fear we are going to see more 'blowback' as a result of this accident.

    "So much for the Tories being the party of law and order, eh."

    Once, they were. Now? I no longer even know what they stand for...

  10. "Expect 1,000s of illegals to claim they lived there..."

    We've already had one. How many more?

    "I do wonder what Her Majesty thinks of all this."

    Probably relief that it'll soon be Charles's mess...

    "As I have said I am greatly enjoying a whole flock of chickens come home to roost."

    They are looking a lot more like vultures to me.. :/
