Friday 16 June 2017

What Passes For 'News' These Days...

There’s nothing quite like tucking into a warm, crumbly pasty after a long day - so imagine the shock of this vegetarian when he took a bite into a cheese and onion slice and found chicken inside.
Oh noes!
Mr Hesketh said: “I can’t believe this has happened.”
The mistake occurred in-store, where products are baked and packaged then sold on the deli counter.
So someone put the wrong label on. *shrugs*
His sister Jessica Hesketh said: “My dad rang the Co-op helpline and they are sending him a £10 voucher.”
Whew! All's well that ends well.
Have you experienced similar incidents in the region? Email

H/T: Dave Ward via email


  1. As a mostly vegetarian, all I can say is that generally it means not eating meat gets in the way of choices (and no, I don't want f*cking mayo on everything.) So sometimes I eat chicken or ham or bacon. It isn't the end of the world if I do and I can go back to being picky another time.

    OTOH I won't eat halal, so I think that balances out nicely.

  2. Looking at the "victim"'s picture, he also appears to be a victim of the kind of breeding customs all too common in his part of Norfolk, not to mention certain districts of Pakistan, such as Bradford. The resulting mental damage can make victims think - and act, by God - in very strange ways indeed. This lad needs watching by the security services - and of course, keeping away from his sister.

  3. I concur with what Ian says, and would like to add that a responsible doctor would order him to eat at least six ounces of meat a day. Heaven help us if we need to conscript this Snowflake to the nation's defence.

  4. "OTOH I won't eat halal, so I think that balances out nicely."


    "...a victim of the kind of breeding customs all too common in his part of Norfolk..."

    Too many fingers to make his own veggie pasty...?

    "Heaven help us if we need to conscript this Snowflake to the nation's defence."

    I think he could be a drone pilot, he probably plays a lot of CoD...
