Friday 16 June 2017

Who Said ‘Crime Doesn’t Pay’? Pt 24789325871

Heather Ffrench, 52, of Sparrows Herne, Basildon, and former colleague Anthony Olomofe, 46, of Curling Tye, Basildon, stood trial facing 30 counts of fraud by abuse of position.
Ffrench eventually changed her plea to guilty on the second day of the trial, admitting 25 counts of fraud, and a date was set for sentence.
Mr Olomofe was cleared of all charges after the trial concluded.
Yup, it's this case. Sentencing, when the full might of the justice system ensures she pays back her debt to society.
Recorder Royall sentenced Ffrench to 15 months in prison suspended for 18 months. She was also ordered to pay costs of £6,209.
Wait, hang on! Even Diane Abbott would realise that's about two thirds what she stole!
Ffrench laughed with friends as she walked from court.
As well she might...


  1. Hang on a second, she didn't steal £10k. She stopped the council getting £10k, which is a slightly different thing. Now its possible she took some cash from the people for wiping their tickets, but it isn't going to be anywhere near the face value of the tickets, so her net cash position is not going to be positive after this process.

    It is a joke still mind.

  2. Last night Bucko and Lord T made a distinction between stealing from the likes of you and I, and the gummint. When it's one of their own doing the stealing they give soft sentences.

  3. "Hang on a second, she didn't steal £10k. She stopped the council getting £10k, which is a slightly different thing."

    Not to the council!

    "When it's one of their own doing the stealing they give soft sentences."

