Wednesday 26 July 2017


The Left's latest martyr, and once again, reading between the lines shows you what we have here:
Speaking yesterday, the mother of his daughter Jada, 19 (Ed: not his wife, you'll note...), said: 'He was a really good guy. Obviously everyone has their ups and downs but he was never out to harm anyone. But he was a good guy.
'He was close to all his family and close to all his friends. You trust officers, and that's what they do, they take lives.'
Actually, they try to save them by preventing them from swallowing drugs.
She added that he and his mother had been shot in an attack earlier this year and he had been injured in the leg while his mum had been shot in the head.
Gosh. could happen to anyone, couldn't it?
A friend of Rashan, who came down to the scene said he has two younger sisters and a younger brother.
He said: 'This family has been through so much, and now they have lost him. It's a lot for them to go through.
He also said Rashan had been the 'victim of police harassment' with stop and search.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. The police had no reason to stop him, we are asked to believe.
Having known Rashan nearly all his life, Ms Watkis described him as 'respectful'.
'Like every young man he could be challenging but he was always respectful and showed so much respect to me,' she added.
If only he'd shown as much to the laws of the land, he'd be alive...


  1. That's all good, but what we *really* need to know is which column he goes in?

    Have we lost another 'talented footballer'? Or is this one more dead 'aspiring rapper'?

    We have a right to know!

  2. Another of the Left's 'baby seals' exposed for the criminal scumbag that he was.

  3. Well he learned an important lesson about drugs. Pity it won't do him any good now. Funny how all these "Black lives (don't) matter" can make it for a nice "peaceful" demonstration when yet another dealer/thief/mugger shuffles off their mortal coil but when a BME murders a child their silence is thunderous.

  4. I'm a size 9 and I like Nike trainers. Also my TV is so 2011 so I can't wait until Currys is looted again to get a new one.

  5. Pity he had already tainted the gene pool.

  6. "Have we lost another 'talented footballer'? Or is this one more dead 'aspiring rapper'?"

    Aspiring chemist/horticulturalist?

    "Another of the Left's 'baby seals' exposed for the criminal scumbag that he was."

    Happens with such regularity 'Old Faithful' must look to its laurels...

    "...but when a BME murders a child their silence is thunderous."


    "I'm a size 9 and I like Nike trainers. Also my TV is so 2011 so I can't wait until Currys is looted again to get a new one."

    We've been lucky so far. But with the Carnival coming up....

    "Pity he had already tainted the gene pool."

    Always early starters in some things...

  7. I found this website after googling "talented footballer" - thinking I can't be alone in noticing this label always used for dead gangsters. Not disappointed! :D
