Tuesday 25 July 2017

The Nanny State Is Replaced By The Rentseeking State

York has featured on a “top ten” list of places in the UK where people do not drink enough water.
People in the city drink only 846ml of water a day, making it eighth worst in the country, according the the 50 Shades of Yellow Hydration study.
The what? Doesn't sound like a scientific study to me!
The research was commissioned by SodaStream and analysed by Dr Dawn Harper, who has urged people to look at the colour of their urine to check whether they are drinking enough water.
Ah! Now it all makes sense!
The study, released today, also reveals that one in seven Brits confess to not drinking any water, and 38 per cent are turning to high-sugar and less hydrating flavoured fizzy drinks.
How on earth is it 'less hydrating' because it's carbonated?


  1. Sorry that this is a little off-topic, JuliaM, but I have seen your Twitter response to the North Wales PCC, Arfon Jones, and can only say: well said! The level of stupidity about the subject of fracking is growing to astronomical proportions; it is time some reality was allowed to intrude on the discussion. “maxblunt” should be informed that these raggedy-arsed hippies (which, I think, is a bit of an insult to real raggedy-arsed hippies, but we won’t go there…) are NOT “excersising” [sic] their rights to peaceful protest (note the preface, "peaceful"), they are engaged in unlawful acts preventing others exercising their rights to legitimate business (as well as interfering with the rights of others to use the Queen’s highway without let or hindrance).

  2. Drinking water on its own may replenish lost fluids but quite often doesn't quench your thirst. In operations in the far east and middle east, we carried 2 water bottles - one with slightly salted water and one with a fruit juice/water mix. In the few off duty hours, I would drink a water/whiskey mix. No idea what colour my urine was. If I was still alive in the morning and able to have a piss, I classed that as a bonus. Since then, I've found that gin and tonic is the same colour as water, though more refreshing, so no problems here matey.

  3. "The level of stupidity about the subject of fracking is growing to astronomical proportions; it is time some reality was allowed to intrude on the discussion."

    Unfortunately, that's only likely to happen with some when we are in the middle of an energy crisis. And then it'll be far, far too late.

    "No idea what colour my urine was. If I was still alive in the morning and able to have a piss, I classed that as a bonus. "

    Heh! Yes, plain old water won't suffice to replenish the salt & minerals lost through perspiration.

    "Beer is best."

    Gin & tonic is more refreshing!
