Saturday 21 October 2017

Just Incompetent, Or Actively Sabotaging The Case...?

A woman beaten up in a savage late-night assault says she is doing the police's job for them by issuing crystal-clear pictures of her alleged attacker.
Micha Birgitta, 31, had her nose smashed in the brutal attack while the thug knocked out her male friend in London's East End.
Police hunting the crazed brute - thought to be high on drugs or drunk - put out blurred and grainy CCTV images of him that 'could have been anybody'.
But now Ms Birgitta has sent dramatic stills from footage shot on her friend's mobile straight to her local paper the Hackney Gazette in an attempt to catch him.
Clearly, she's realised relying on the police is an utter waste of time.

And yes, she DID make the photo available to them:
Ms Birgitta said she's 'scared of her own shadow' knowing her attacker is still at large and justice has not been done.
And she can't believe that a high-quality video taken on her friend's phone was never released by officers targeting the attacker.
'The CCTV is terrible quality,' insisted Ms Birgitta, who's still struggling to see properly.
So are the cops, love. They just can't see past the need to keep a tight lid on the amount of diverse, enriched crime that goes on in London. It's not like they aren't simply following precedent, either.

But now that she's gone to the papers, they have to respond:
Scotland Yard said they were only made aware of the new photographs yesterday. A spokesman said: “We will always use the best images we have to appeal for those wanted for questioning by police.
“In our initial appeal on this case, we used the only image we had available.
“On Wednesday we were made aware of better and clearer images which we are working to release asap once we have spoken with the victims in this case.”
Someone's lying. Once, I would have naturally assumed it was the complainant.

But that was long ago...


  1. But that was long ago...

    I feel exactly the same way. The most senior ranks were first infiltrated/infested thirty years ago or more, but at least then the overwhelming majority of officers doing recognisable police work was decent. Now that generation largely seems to have retired or been forced out, so the whole shebang is rotten from top to bottom.

    In this case I'd love some lawyer to take it on pro bono and go after the individual(s) who made what seems like a conscious decision to stymie the 'investigation'. Enquiries and 'lessons will be learned' just don't cut it any more.

  2. Yes, it's a pity that they seem hellbent on alienating their natural defenders.
