Saturday 21 October 2017

The Right Result...

Four Met Police officers have been cleared of gross misconduct following the death of 18-year-old Henry Hicks who died after he failed to stop his moped in Islington, north London in December 2014.
Hmmm, well, technically, he didn't 'fail to stop his moped', it was stopped for him, by the parked car he careered headlong into!
The teenager, who had been described as a talented footballer was carrying several bags of cannabis at the time of his death.
Given the family, it's hardly surprising he was suspected of being lowlife, drug-dealing scum.
The suspected low level drug dealer had been stopped and searched 89 times between the age of 14 and 17, though had never been charged with any criminal offence.
Perhaps if he had been, he'd have learnt a lesson?
A disciplinary panel said the officers, who were given anonymity during the inquest into the teenager's death - were investigated over claims they had breached professional behaviour standards.
However, this afternoon, the panel, led by an independent chair, announced that all four officers had been cleared. The panel said that none of the officers had breached professional standards or had been engaged in pursuing the teenager.
No doubt there's already a few CiF 'journalists' fishing in the veg drawer for an onion, ready to pen a polemic about how awful it is....


  1. "few CiF 'journalists' fishing in the veg drawer for an onion, ready to pen a polemic about how awful it is"

    Maybe not....not the right ethnicity. Silly of him , Hicks,to run really. His White Privilege being a Get-Out-of-Jail free card an' all.

  2. I expect the blogs resident nutter will be along soon to say he was "murdered".

    A few points-the "moped" he was riding was stolen. Yes he had no convictions but every scumbag gets his first conviction sometime. This person-had he stopped-would have been convicted of theft, drug possession or dealing, dangerous driving and a few others I would guess.

    But never mind-he was an aspiring footballer/rapper/architect and he was good to his Nan.


  3. Slight correction. A moped is 50 cc's, maximum output 3.4 bhp, maximum speed 45 kph (about 28 mph).

    Hicks was riding a Vespa GTS 125 that puts out 14.6 bhp and tops out at about 68 mph.

    If Hicks was riding to get away from the unmarked police cars because he was scared they were the competition and after his stash of hash, then it's very probable he'd have been close to flat out when he t-boned that there boot. He was a chubby git and had a crash hat that was terribly fashionable, with a dark tinted visor, almost black actually. Great looker, but you really can't see Jacksy - and they're bog useless in a prang. Also suspect he wasn't suited and booted, so just street clothes.

    65 mph to zero in a picosecond, scoot's front end crumples, seat goes up with enormous force, sort of like when some git jumped the other end of a see saw when you were a sprog. 13 stone lard arse goes way up in the air at about 60 mph - at least 12 feet, then comes down head first. If that doesn't break your neck, then skidding into the curb'll do it.

    Subtle difference, but that seems to be the way with MSM reporters. "Moped" being their generic term for anything ridden by these twits.

    (The acid attack wallah's used a Honda SH 300 that's good for 90 mph, but still described by them as "moped").

  4. "Talented Footballer". I'm surprised they still use that one. It just invites a lampooning every time

  5. "Talented footballer?"-well he did hit the post.

  6. "Maybe not....not the right ethnicity. "

    He's a criminal. That's all the 'ethnicity' they need.

    "But never mind-he was an aspiring footballer/rapper/architect and he was good to his Nan."

    Having seen the behaviour of the 'family', she was probably a harder-bitten crim than he was!

    ".... that seems to be the way with MSM reporters. "Moped" being their generic term for anything ridden by these twits."

    Probably fresh out of journalism 'school'...

    ""Talented Footballer". I'm surprised they still use that one. It just invites a lampooning every time"

    It's become a meme!

    ""Talented footballer?"-well he did hit the post."

    Genuine SNORK!
