Thursday 19 October 2017

PussyPass Declined...

At Blackfriars crown court yesterday, the New Look shop assistant’s tearful plea for a suspended sentence was rejected by Judge Michael Simon.
“There is far too much in the way of drugs and other illicit items in prisons these days and the courts can’t condone on any basis, regardless of the mitigation there might be, attempts to contravene the rules,” he said.
“There were plenty of points along the line where you should have backed out, but having continued you must face the consequences.”
Excellent news! Well done, Judge Simon!
Radford, a trained hairdresser from north Woolwich, admitted two charges of conveying a prohibited article into prison. She waved to her mother in the public gallery as she was led sobbing from the dock.
More please, faster!


  1. Yaaayyy!!
    Sometimes Judges do get it right!!

  2. Oh dear! Actions DO have consequences.
    "Now feel sorry for poor, innocent me."

  3. Why do people always say there are far too many of some undesirable occurrences ? It reminds me of P.J.O'Rourke's essay on Ulster called "The Piece Of Ireland That Passeth Understanding" wherein he quoted a police chief as saying "This is an acceptable level of violence"

  4. "Sometimes Judges do get it right!!"

    Very rarely, though, it seems.

    "It reminds me of P.J.O'Rourke's essay on Ulster called "The Piece Of Ireland That Passeth Understanding" wherein he quoted a police chief as saying "This is an acceptable level of violence""

    Well, quite!
