Thursday 12 October 2017

The Only Ones 'Targeted'....

...are the ones who deserve no help:
Pedestrians in High Street North have been parting with £20 at a time in a gambling ruse known as the shell game.
Played since Ancient Greek times, the swindle involves a small ball being shifted between one of three identical containers with players having to guess where it ends up.
Small groups have been operating up and down the high street for several months, often outside WH Smith and across the road from KFC.
Well, yes, that's where you'd expect the terminally dim to cluster, wouldn't you?
There are fears that the criminals involved are using fake players who ‘win’ to hoodwink unsuspecting people.
No, just greedy people. And thick people!
Responding, a council spokeswoman said: “The problem of illegal street gambling in the borough is a matter for the local police, however council officers are aware of the issue and have been lending support, with our CCTV team monitoring, and passing on information to the police.
“Tackling this problem requires significant police resources, as these criminal gangs are extremely well organised.”
And is this really where we want to target police resources? I really don't think so.


  1. It's not only been around since ancient Greek times, it's appeared in popular culture since the invention of the television, probably longer.
    Everybody, I mean absolutely everybody knows about this and knows it's a scam.
    If people are able to make money off it these days, we really have turned full circle and raised a generation of idiots

  2. "criminal gangs are extremely well organised."

    Not however organised enough to get themselves declared Community Street Artists and claim Lottery funding /Arts Council Grant. Because the Shell Game is not 'illegal gambling' but the ancient art and entertainment form "Legerdemain" ...I admit it can be used extract money (Surely 'donations'?)from the terminally gullible but that is to be understand as a 'didatic' or 'Pedagogic' function, teaching, as it does, a valuable life lesson of namely "DON'T BE SUCH A FUCKING MUG IN FUTURE!"

    Personally, and I'm being serious now, I would (almost) pay to watch a really good shell gamer or 3 card man, the level of skill is quite amazing and up there with top magicians.

  3. Plod action? Unable to find his butt with both hands, Mr Average Plod would find himself mesmerised by the game.

  4. It DOES, however, keep Mr Plod out of mischief, like trying to acquire the subscriber list for Private Eye in order to ascertain which Hertfordshire Constabulary employee sent a joke, gleaned from said august organ, to a member of the RoP who was also employed by Herts Old Bill. Said Rop adhererent was offended, oh yes.

    A Judge threw Plod's case out. This time.

  5. "If people are able to make money off it these days, we really have turned full circle and raised a generation of idiots"

    'Education, education, education...'

    "Not however organised enough to get themselves declared Community Street Artists and claim Lottery funding /Arts Council Grant. "

    Heh! Indeed - that's where the REAL money is to be made!

    " trying to acquire the subscriber list for Private Eye in order to ascertain which Hertfordshire Constabulary employee sent a joke, gleaned from said august organ, to a member of the RoP who was also employed by Herts Old Bill. Said Rop adhererent was offended, oh yes.

    A Judge threw Plod's case out. This time."

    Everyone involved in that should be sacked, forthwith.
