Thursday 12 October 2017

The Usual Demographic...

Mrs Annels said she did not understand why they were allowed to move back into the house with so much left to do.
She said: “I think it’s absolutely disgusting that they left it like that.
“Surely it is against health and safety to let us move back into the house when it is like that.
“Freddie has behaviour issues and could have put his finger in one of the sockets.”
Mrs Annels says the situation has caused distress for her and husband Michael, who suffers from depression and heart problems, along with high blood pressure.

Child with 'behaviour issues' and husband on the sick. Complaining that 'the state' hasn't done what it should. In the local paper.

How'd the 'accidental' fire start, anyway?
The fire was started when someone dropped a lit cigarette which ignited the bamboo in the Annels’ garden.
*skeptical face*


  1. "...waited a year for their home to be refurbished after a fire are appalled by the council’s repair work"

    A year? Even after a whole Year council still hasn't completed the work - piss-up & brewery

    Yet, the Left & May keep telling us more state/council housing is needed.

    As for Lisa and Michael Annels: pair of chavs demanding others pay for their everything.

    Hmm, Sweden & Eugenics does have an Ecksian appeal as Darwinian evolution has been stalled by "if one life saved" SJWs.

  2. Mein Gott! Sadly, tis the usual suspects. Old man on the 'sick'. The rest of the family depending on the State for beer and fags. Makes me want to burn their house to the ground with the glorious tenants, in situ. Sadly, there so much work to do in New Zealand. One day, perhaps....

  3. "The fire was started when someone dropped a lit cigarette which ignited the bamboo in the Annels’ garden.".
    Try starting a fire from a dog-end, be it in bamboo debris or any other very dry vegetation. Even with a constant wind it is almost impossible. I know from personal experience how hard it is to get bamboo to burn, even years-old bamboo.
    As non-productive members of society, these persons (?) should be grateful to have even a roof over their respective heads. They contribute nothing but expect everything.

  4. "A year? Even after a whole Year council still hasn't completed the work - piss-up & brewery"

    But I bet the contractors ticked every race, sex and social justice box available. Competence at the job? Who needs that?

    "Sadly, tis the usual suspects. Old man on the 'sick'. The rest of the family depending on the State for beer and fags."

    As is always the way with these APILN stories...

    "Try starting a fire from a dog-end, be it in bamboo debris or any other very dry vegetation. Even with a constant wind it is almost impossible. "

    Indeed. I have a lot of bamboo in my garden. You'd need a flamethrower to singe it!
