Wednesday 27 December 2017

"Let's Kick This Can Down The Road, What's The Worst That Could Happen?"

"After all, it's not like we live near there..."
The officers recommendation, not intended to be viewed by the public, said: “In respect of the four caravans and the plots to the south, members should consider authorising direct action at this stage for the breach of the injunction and failure to comply with the requirements of the enforcement notices.
“This would authorise the council to enter the land and take the steps required by the enforcement notices to be taken, and recover from the owner of the land (if identified) any expenses reasonably incurred by the council in doing so.”
Later adding: “On present evidence, the risks of further enforcement action at this stage with respect to the four caravans and the plots to the south do not outweigh the merits of direct action.”
Couldn't be clearer, could it? Well, you'd think so.
But at Tuesday’s meeting, a motion was tabled by a member of the planning committee to continue investigating the site, rather than to approve direct action.
Well, voters, you know what to do...
Councillor Chris Jackman, of the Wickford Park ward, said: “I believe we need to take a strong stance on the site, particular on the fact the site is greenbelt land.
“But at the same time, Basildon Council must make sure legal proceedings are watertight.
“These are savvy traveller developers we are talking about, and it would not be fair to class them as gypsy travellers.”
So, this clown thinks they are smarter than the council, does he? Hmmmm. He might have a point there.


  1. The only way to deal with these caravan utilising nomadic travellers is to have the laws of trespass changed from civil to criminal, as it is in the country they come from. However, as our political masters are never inconvenienced as the rest of the population is, nothing will change. These people are savvy about the law and as they are classed as a separate race from the rest of humanity, they know they can run rings around councils, the Police, and most other public funded bodies.

  2. Spineless politicians appeasing criminal minorities who know politicians, police and judiciary will pander & surrender.

    Nigel Farage for PM

    Darwin Award
    "A teenager was killed after being hit by a train near a station on Christmas Eve.

    It is understood the woman, 19, believed to be from Lostwithiel, was walking along the tracks near the train station when she was struck.

    She was declared dead at the scene and her next of kin were informed."

    Appears girls like death by train:

  3. " have the laws of trespass changed from civil to criminal, as it is in the country they come from. "

    Spot on! Why is no-one asking the question 'Why do they come here?'...

    "Appears girls like death by train"

    Which is odd, because we are always told they eschew bloody & violent ends, leaving those to the men. Hurrah for increasing 'equality', eh?
