Wednesday 27 December 2017

Perhaps It's Contagious..?

Aaron Barker, 26, was last week jailed for five months for inflicting terrible injuries on rescue cats Panther and his black and white buddy Baby.
Not a first offence. Just the first time this sick bastard had been caught.
The Sun can reveal evil Barker, from Nottingham, has a sickening history of animal torture. He allegedly has form for killing a gerbil, hamsters - and a cat called Milo he was looking after for a family friend who had died of cancer.
What sort of creature does this? And what sort of addle-brained bimbo stands by him?
Panther and Baby were registered to Barker's psychiatric nurse girlfriend Verity Castle, 24, who is incredibly standing by him - tearing apart her animal loving family.
She's a psychiatric nurse?!

And yet...that's not the worst this about this story. Because incredibly enough, so is he:
A judge also banned the mental health care worker from keeping pets for life.
That should be 'ex-mental health worker'. And as well as being banned for life from keeping animals., he should be on a watch list. And so should the thick cow shacked up with him.


  1. Have they bred yet? I do hope that his sperm count, like his IQ, is the same as his shoe size.

  2. Public sector and especially NHS mental health job is the safe-haven for evil left fascists nobody else will employ.

  3. "Have they bred yet?"

    If they have, social services should be round there sharpish!

    "...the safe-haven for evil left fascists nobody else will employ."

    Is there a connection to the relative being employed by the 'Grauniad', I wonder?
