Tuesday 12 December 2017

*Looks Up 'Mitigation' In Dictionary*

Hmmmm. Odd.
Alan Pollard, 28, from Brighton, was caught with £1,000 of class A drug crystal meth and class C drug GBL when police raided his home. The drugs are popular at gay sex parties in the city. Judge Charles Kemp said the offences were so serious Pollard could have faced four- and-half-years in jail.
So, did he? Reader, you won't be at all surprised....
In mitigation, the court heard Pollard funded his eight-year addiction to the drugs by starting to sell it.
I must have the wrong bloody dictionary.
Sentencing, Judge Kemp, slammed the porn star for dealing the dangerous drugs. He said: “You have to understand why the court regards it so seriously. You have no control whose hands they end up in, often the most vulnerable who get addicted to them like yourself.
“This is why you should have never been involved in the foul trade. Often people have their lives blighted or extinguished by these drugs.”
Judge Kemp sentenced Pollard to two years’ imprisonment, but suspended the sentence for two years to allow him to focus on drug rehabilitation.


  1. Sounds to me like His Honour doesn't fully understand what addiction actually means.

  2. It's a pretty common failing amongst the judiciary...
