Tuesday 12 December 2017

A Somewhat Chilling Headline....

An East Croydon pizza shop has been given a one-out-of-five food hygiene score after inspectors found it was selling turkey as ham.
Whew! Could have been a lot worse!
The pizza shop was also criticised, among other things, for storing onions under the sink and because food handlers had no training in food safety, and also because the cold water tap on the wash hand basin didn't work.


  1. Now let me think. Who would not want to handle a lovely bit of ham?

  2. Hmm, not surprised. Furiners must find Bernard Matthews "Turkey Ham" & "Hamwiches" confusing :p

    Onions under sink? So what? They grew under soil, will be peeled, chopped and then cooked in a 200C - 260C Pizza Oven.

    Hand wash basin: no cold water, hot water was available - another non-scare.

    High time UK stopped being Eeeeew, whiny, cry-baby, snowflake children.

  3. @JuliaM

    Shuddering as you didn't know onions, potatoes, carrots and other root vegetables grew under dirty, worm, fungus & bacteria infested soil? With onions, the bit above soil is crawled over by spiders, flies, beetles, mice and other things.

    Enjoy your Turkey & Stuffing on Christmas Day :)
