Monday 11 December 2017

Nice Perk If You Can Get It...

“Beale left the documents in the boot of his car for five days while he carried out errands, including a pub visit with a colleague and supermarket shopping.
The vehicle was also parked at an East Midlands railway station for several days while he went on a weekend holiday with his wife.”
The document loss is bad enough.

But no-one seems to be at all concerned that an unmarked police car is being used as a 'company car' rather than being out on the road with a proper police officer or two in it!
Mr Beale has been suspended from duty and is due to face disciplinary proceedings.
His lawyer, Duncan Atkinson QC, said it was possible Mr Beale would now lose his job.
Only 'possible'...?

H/T: Pee Wee via email


  1. And the corollary to that: if it is a de facto company car, it should be taxed as one, but the same HMRC that will pursue the self-employed to the ends of the Earth will never investigate fellow members of the Club Gravy Train.

  2. And also, what’s a man doing going away for a dirty weeked ... with his wife!?

  3. This stuff, and so much more of its ilk, would be a decent joke, if only we were not in effect the butt and funders of this seemingly relentless black humour.

    Intriguingly, why on earth is this obviously sack-able gormless dolt represented by a QC in such a lowly court on such simple facts? Who's paying for that? Will the QC be paid the little more than minimum wage that the typically barely qualified trainee on the duty roster gets for feebly representing similar but less credentialed idiots. Will our fearless press investigate and report back later?

    Just more joking, sadly. Already know the answer.

  4. He's a senior officer so he's probably a buffoon but I have no previous knowledge of him. Not sure if he should be sacked for this though.

    As for the QC-if he's a member of the ACPO equivalent of the Federation then he will free representation. I was recently accused of something I hadn't done and I was helped by a very good solicitor paid for by the Fed. I pay £22 a month and it's money well-spent when you need help.

  5. "And the corollary to that: if it is a de facto company car, it should be taxed as one..."

    Well, exactly! But is it? I suspect not.

    "And also, what’s a man doing going away for a dirty weeked ... with his wife!?"


    "This stuff, and so much more of its ilk, would be a decent joke, if only we were not in effect the butt and funders of this seemingly relentless black humour."

    Spot on. And I can only see it getting worse.

    "Not sure if he should be sacked for this though."

    Secret material not held appropriately? Really? What DO you think is a sackable offence, then?
