Monday 11 December 2017

They Aren't Getting A Chance To Say 'No', Are They?

Old Spitalfields Market, in east London, has asked traders not to sell fur products from the start of 2018.
A statement, posted on the market's Facebook page, read: “Following a review carried out by the Market, we have taken the decision to request stall holders do not offer animal fur for sale from the beginning of next year.”
So is it a ban, or a request? What if the stall holders refuse?
Director of Corporate Projects at animal rights group PETA Yvonne Taylor said: “The British public is saying no to fur – and Old Spitalfields Market has listened.
“Today's consumers want cruelty-free fashion – and PETA urges those markets still peddling real fur of any era to follow in Old Spitalfields Market's footsteps so that they, too, can become shopping destinations fit for Britain in 2018.”
They aren't getting the chance to say 'No', you ghastly harridan - some animal rights nutter is trying to say it for them. Stall holders wouldn't sell it if there was no market.

And you can have my fox & mink jackets when you pry them from my cold, dead fingers.


  1. I always thought PETA stood for "People Eating Tasty Animals"?

  2. 'Ask' as in John McDonnell will 'Ask' the Rich to pay (a lot) more tax.

  3. "I always thought PETA stood for "People Eating Tasty Animals"?"


    "'Ask' as in John McDonnell will 'Ask' the Rich to pay (a lot) more tax."

    And the same thing will happen - the target will go elsewhere.
