Monday 29 January 2018

Who Is It You Think Should Be 'Doing Something', Doreen?

"If that was the amount of kids who were in the white community that were dying, do you think that something would have been done?"
Those words of, errr, wisdom are from the mother of Stephen Lawrence. Was she addressing black parents on run-down sink estates? Absentee black fathers in prisons?

Reader, she was not:
A group of 10 runners will be running the London Marathon this year, exactly 25 years since Stephen's death, to raise money for the Stephen Lawrence Charity Trust. The teenager was a promising runner who competed in the 1988 mini marathon.
Speaking at the launch day for this year's marathon, Baroness Lawrence expressed frustration that the threat of knife crime showed no sign of abating.
 Were the canapés nice, Doreen?
She told the Press Association: "I'm tired of reading about it in the paper, I'm tired of seeing families talking about their sons, I'm really, really tired of it - I think the Government needs to get a grip."
It's not 'the Government' going round stabbing young black kids, is it?
"It comes under the race issue again - look who's dying - it comes under the race issue."
Of course it does. Everything does, when you're making a tidy living from it.


  1. While I wouldn't want any mother to lose their child to murder how long is Doreen Lawrence going to milk this thing for? and if having a murdered child is a ticket to the House of Lords then when do the parents of Gavin Hopley,Charlene Downs,Kriss Donald,Richard Everitt etc get their ermine? Oh wait those kids weren't talented footballers who had aspirations to become an architect...right?
    and if that makes me sound cynical and bitter..yeah you`re right I am.

  2. Conveniently ignoring the fact that the vast majority of black kids are stabbed by other black kids. And when the government actually tries to do something about it by stepping up stop and search, the likes of Mrs Lawrence immediately scream "RACISM!"

  3. I find it peculiar that people set themselves up as representatives and leaders to speak out for thier "communities" which stab and shoot each other and then instead of actually being commmunity leaders and influencing the families in thier community to reject gang culture and leading them to be better simply blame the Government for not fixing the "communities" they represent whilst taking lots of Government grants (and peerages) for doing so.

  4. I never imagined I could feel such little sympathy for a bereaved parent.

  5. @Just Trevor

    +1 It's like Greenfail Tower

    Parents need to take responsibility for welfare of their children.

  6. " long is Doreen Lawrence going to milk this thing for? "

    I suspect she'll still be pontificating from her care home!

    "And when the government actually tries to do something about it by stepping up stop and search, the likes of Mrs Lawrence immediately scream "RACISM!""


    "... simply blame the Government for not fixing the "communities" they represent whilst taking lots of Government grants (and peerages) for doing so."

    The death of a child must be awful, but I can't help but wonder if this is not the best way to honour their lives.

    "I never imagined I could feel such little sympathy for a bereaved parent."

    She's up there with the McCanns, isn't she?

    "It's like Greenfail Tower"

    I see what you did there... ;)
