Tuesday 13 February 2018

Oh, We're Listening, All Right...

...it's just that we all know you're talking utter bollocks:
Ed Willis, 27, a rough sleeper on St James’s Street, said: “It’s got to the point where I’d rather die on the street than live in a hostel.
“I can’t even live in my home town.
“I sit here with a razor blade cutting myself and people just walk past. How much does one person have to suffer for people to care?
I blame everyone in authority - even the Queen.”
 Of course you do....
He said the main reason homelessness is on the rise in the city is that rough sleepers are increasingly moving to Brighton from other cities.
Of those spoken to, two were from Blackburn, one from Newcastle and another from Glasgow.
Because Brighton is attractive to them. Why would they come otherwise? So there must be lots of people listening.


  1. Perhaps his home town, wherever it is, doesn't welcome razor-cutter-nutters?

  2. And he clearly implies that there would be a hostel place available for him if he wanted to take it up - which I suspect is the case for pretty much all rough sleepers. They have made an active choice not to attempt to get a grip on their lives.

  3. I wonder why the hostels are so horrible that homeless people would rather sleep in a shop doorway than stay in one? I'm sure it can't be because some of the people that do stay in them tend to be rather unpleasant, Can it? Maybe if certain individuals were excluded from such places they might be more suitable for this guy to stay in.


  4. “I’d rather die on the street than live in a hostel” - so wtf does he actually want??

  5. "He said the main reason homelessness is on the rise in the city is that rough sleepers are increasingly moving to Brighton from other cities."

    1. UK Capital of Socialist Green CM SJW ideology implementation
    2. Warmer than chilly northern places like Glasgow & Newcastle

    QED - rough sleepers & beggars magnet.

  6. It takes a special kind of slime bucket to piss on the homeless. Someone who doesn't give a tinker's fart for the suffering of another...where are you, Penise?

  7. Hello Melv,
    Why pick on me? Apart from the things I have previously mentioned,you know nothing about me. Especially that since I retired from the Police, I have worked as an unpaid volunteer for a homeless charity and helping in dealing with the effects of domestic violence and abuse by obnoxious, arrogant, insulting and controlling, men and women - a bit like you are being now.
    Why not have a go at Oxfam on their site? I'm sure they'd love to hear from you.

  8. You are the watchdog of my failing memory, Penise. I have a shameful habit of overlooking your Mother Teresa alter ego. I cannot dismiss out of hand, the possibility that there was at least one occasion when truth slid off your tongue to dribble from one corner of your mouth and ooze onto your keyboard.

  9. @Stonyground

    Same reason prison warders do - see Scum imdb

  10. Melv,
    What is it with you? Over the years we have conversed, I have never known you to say anything nice about anyone or anything. Is it that you really believe in the sarcasm you write in order to get a reaction or that you are such a miserable git that you fail to see anything good about anything. Whatever it is, keep trolling as you will no longer receive a reaction from me or, if Jaded is of the same view, from that person. Goodnight Melv, and goodbye.

  11. "Perhaps his home town, wherever it is, doesn't welcome razor-cutter-nutters?"

    Not Bradford, then?

    "...which I suspect is the case for pretty much all rough sleepers."


    "Maybe if certain individuals were excluded from such places they might be more suitable for this guy to stay in."

    They tend to exclude the drugged, the drunk and the anti-social. Make of that what you will.

    "It takes a special kind of slime bucket to piss on the homeless."

    The genuinely homeless, working-towards-a-better-life homeless, yes. Very few of those on Brighton's streets are such.
