Tuesday 24 July 2018

Chief Superintendent Travis, You Are A Disgrace To The Uniform...

'As a local policing commander in support of our local community I want to make sure the message is really clear that this is a very, very rare occurrence and what we will do is work to make people understand that this is not the way to resolve issues and disputes in communities.'
You've no need to do that. This is England. This is not how people from England resolve issues.

And the fact that you can spew this politically correct garbage with a straight face tells us all we need to know about the future for places like Worcester. And the once-respected role of the police force.


  1. Bet he's both "fast-tracked" and a Common Purpose graduate.

  2. Travis didn't get up the ladder by being a maverick.......

    Anyway as soon as this story broke we all knew it would be foreigners/gypsies/muslims of some description. We are so lucky to be so enriched.


  3. Is he being coy about gypsies ?

  4. "Bet he's both "fast-tracked" and a Common Purpose graduate."

    Without a doubt!

    "Not just coy, but didicoy."

