Tuesday 24 July 2018

What Sort Of Things Are 'Far Right'?

Well, let's see.

We've got 'demanding all immigrants leave the UK'.

And, I suppose, 'believing the Jews are behind everything'.

Oh and then there's 'protesting against an ideology that suggests you should be murdered for your sexuality'.

Wait. What?


I can't even...


  1. Check out the Slog (https://hat4uk.wordpress.com/2018/07/24/official-labour-activist-who-thinks-his-tortoise-is-a-sun-lamp-calls-for-soft-sharia-brexit/) - expresses my thoughts on this better than I could,

  2. Last time I looked, not wanting to be murdered by a violent gay hating death cult was definitely not 'far right'. The Left is making a huge mistake here by classifying everyone who doesn't agree with them as 'far right'. It's over and inappropriately using a description that may one day be genuinely needed to be applied to a particular group and when that happens nobody will believe it as the phrase 'far right' will have been robbed of its power by over use

  3. You couldn't make it up...

  4. There are no words


  5. "...expresses my thoughts on this better than I could..."

    Oh, wow!

    "The Left is making a huge mistake here..."

    You'd hope so.
