Wednesday 25 July 2018

Might I Suggest 'April 1st'...?

PC Heidi Moxam, Road Casualty Reduction Officer for the south-west force, said: "Our aim is to create a road respect culture in Dorset by highlighting the benefits of being more considerate to each other on the road."
Hmmm, not sure this is really the role of the police, but OK, how exactly will your cash-strapped (because of the terrible Toree cutz, natch!) force do this?
Good drivers who stick to speed limits will be sent congratulatory letters through the post, police have announced.
Any letters sent out will look to praise driving, speed and general behaviour by motorists as part of a “road respect” culture.


Wait, what?
Dorset Police said that the full scheme will be launched shortly but did not provide a date.
Well, I know what comes to mind.

H/T: Rolo Tamasi vis Twitter


  1. I predict that this will be as popular as the old abandoned plan for police cars to pull drivers over and congratlate them on good driving.

  2. This is embarrassing...............but this PC is in a "shiny arse" job and has to justify her existence.

  3. yeah we is watchin that we is pozitiv discrinimatin cos more of us black drivers that is black will get a gud letter innit

  4. if you like gets three gud letters then you can speed a bit cos it as a hinsentif

  5. And the cost of this? Has no-one got any common sense these days?

  6. For decades I have refrained from murdering anyone.
    I therefore think I deserve at least a medal.

    However I'm not sure how much longer I can keep up my record if bollocks like this continues.

  7. I recently visited Dorset. I didn’t steal anything, nor did I paint graffiti on public buildings. I certainly did not conduct myself in a riotous and disorderly manner.

    How soon can I expect my letter of thanks from the Chief Constable?

  8. As a Dorset resident and council taxpayer, this is not only highly patronising but also a f**king great waste of what are supposed to be scarce resources. It's nice to know that the Dorset 5-0 are busying themselves inventing new ways to piss my money up the wall.

  9. "I predict that this will be as popular as the old abandoned plan for police cars to pull drivers over and congratlate them on good driving."

    That actually happened to my father, many years ago, driving through what is now Docklands!

    "And the cost of this? Has no-one got any common sense these days?"

    No. It's too expensive!

    "How soon can I expect my letter of thanks from the Chief Constable?"


    "It's nice to know that the Dorset 5-0 are busying themselves inventing new ways to piss my money up the wall."

    As Jaded says, she didn't get where she was doing old fashioned coppering.
