Thursday 5 July 2018

Wait, Doesn't Anyone Check These Things?

Mr James-Moore said Shaw had been jailed for four years for a section 18 GBH in 2002 and has 'a plethora of other violent offences' on her criminal record.
Kat Shields, mitigating, said her client had gained a degree at Staffordshire University and was also a voluntary support worker for South Derbyshire Mental Health Association.
Wait, what?

That's not so much 'poacher turned gamekeeper' as 'poacher remaining poacher annd getting even better at it'...!
Judge Bennett jailed Shaw for three years and handed her a three-year extended licence - the equivalent of a six-year prison sentence.
Jailing Shaw, now of Swadlincote, Derbyshire, Judge Jonathan Bennett told her: 'You have worrying previous convictions including a section 18 (GBH offence) for which you were jailed for four years.
'At the time of this offence, you were also on a suspended sentence for threatening to kill a housing manager.
'I have a lot of sympathy for your position and I have heard and read you have had a very difficult life.
'But in the shared accommodation where you lived, you started a fire at the bottom of a stairwell and the other residents will have been petrified by what they saw.
'Setting a fire in a multi-occupancy address while waving a knife around gives me very grave concerns.'
You know what gives me 'grave concerns', judge? It's the fact that someone thought it would be a good idea to put her in this role!

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