Friday 6 July 2018

A 'Metro' Comment That Intrigues...

The free 'Metro' newspaper has a 'Good Deed Feed', where people can send in thanks to strangers.

And sometimes, it throws up a little gem:

Reader, don't you want to know why a stranger did something like this? I know I do.


  1. I'd like to know how they knew the gentleman's age...

  2. Make a rude comment on someone's twatter feed and the filth will be on you like a ton of bricks. They sent eighteen 'officers' to arrest one old man but they can't send even a blunkett bouncer to deal with a real incident.

    The filth are useless - always have been, always will be.

    Vermin, every last one of them.

  3. the use of not enough resources because of cuts is a standing joke. Police numbers have been cut, but not in the numbers that the police like to suggest. There are always plenty of officers for appearances at lgbt raliies etc and as previous poster said - how did they know the perpetrators age unless the victim knew him which makes the police failure to arrest a named felon even more ridiculous.

  4. "I'd like to know how they knew the gentleman's age..."

    Yes, me too.

    "the use of not enough resources because of cuts is a standing joke. "

