Tuesday 4 September 2018

"When it gets dark I tow your heart away..."

Haringey Council is cracking down on staff who are allegedly misusing parking permits to leave their cars in residential streets.
Haringey, eh? The place must be twinned with Mos Eisley Spaceport...
Further measures could include tougher penalties for employees caught parking in the wrong place following a councillor’s meeting with a residents’ association.
Like sacking?
Cranbrook Park Residents Association (CPRA) wrote to the council in May claiming it was becoming “impossible” for locals to park in four streets in Wood Green because its employees were leaving their cars there all day – and often well into the evening.
The CPRA said most of the offending vehicles displayed the council’s essential service permit (ESP), which allows employees providing services such as healthcare and counselling to park in a CPZ.
Yes, it's meant to be when they are on call, though.
These are only issued to people who provide essential services to residents and are required to work extended, unsociable hours or are on 24-hour call out.
In a letter to the council, the residents’ association said the permits were instead being used “for the daily commute” and their streets were becoming a “council car park”.
The expected makeup of Haringey council staff demographics will have no bearing of this, I'm sure...
CPRA chair Francesca Zeeman said a councillor told attendees of their last meeting on July 28 that the local authority was considering tougher enforcement measures so people misusing ESPs would be subject to the same fines as other people caught parking in the wrong place.
Gosh! Treated like the plebs whose taxes pay your wages! The horror!


  1. Fine them and then take their "essential use" permits away. Mind you, how many council leaders who use their own cars have dedicated parking spaces which their spouses/partners use when they go shopping? All of them having special privileges not available to those who pay their wages.

  2. If it is a guaranteed parking place (i.e. labelled with the person's name) then doubtless they have declared it as part of Benefits in Kind. Does it show on the P60? I think it should.

  3. "Mind you, how many council leaders who use their own cars have dedicated parking spaces which their spouses/partners use when they go shopping?"

    All of them, I suspect!

    "...then doubtless they have declared it as part of Benefits in Kind. Does it show on the P60?"

    Good point!
