Monday 28 January 2019

If It Wasn't For Double Standards...

...yeah, you all know the rest.
A group of angry mums have launched a protest and petition against their school for introducing a curriculum supporting homosexuality.
Oh boy! Disagreeing with the liberal agenda? You're in trouble now, ladies! Expect a call from the Thought Police!

Oh, wait...
...outraged mum Fatima Shah, who has taken her 10-year-old daughter out of the school, told BirminghamLive: "It's inappropriate, totally wrong.
"Children are being told it's OK to be gay yet 98 per cent of children at this school are Muslim. It's a Muslim community.
"I've taken my daughter out and other parents have too. Enough is enough.
"Sex relationship education is being taught without our consent. We've not been informed about what's being taught.
"Mr Moffat is running what's called CHIPS - challenging homophobia in primary schools - and it's totally against Islamic beliefs.
"My child came home and told me am I OK to be a boy? It's confusing children about sexuality.
"I want my child to learn about English, maths and science.
"I'm keeping my daughter away from the school until something is done. I've been paying £20-an-hour tuition at home instead."
Bit of a dilemma for the boys in blue, this one, eh?

H/T: MelindiScott via Twitter


  1. Strange isn't it that these Muslim parents seem to be given relatively sympathetic news coverage but when secular parents along with Christian and Jewish parents who complain about this sort of teaching being age inappropriate we get told to 'shut up and get with the programme' I bet the school and the local council will cave in to Muslim pressure over this teaching in a way that they would not do for Christians and Jews when we complain.

    BTW people may be interested in our experience of visiting a school where the headteacher is a politically correct nutjob who baulked at our suggestion that because the RE curriculum is based on shaky premises, that of all religions are equal in moral value and outlook, we would like to withdraw our child from RE.

    The case of the school where the Muslim parents are objecting and will likely have their objections accommodated is as you say Julia, yet more evidence of double standards among the Left and those entities such as the education system that have become dominated by the Left

  2. Simple advice for this mother:

    If you cannot accept the laws of the land you are in the wrong land.

  3. I spend a little time with my kids every day just going through some of the days nonsense, luckily they trust their mother and I so no harm done with the medium amount of propaganda they are subjected too.

  4. "Ed P said...

    Simple advice for this mother:

    If you cannot accept the laws of the land you are in the wrong land."

    Ah, then all those Brits who also think its inappropriate should just pack up and move to the Middle East then?

  5. They might evade the wrath of plod, but they will get you for broadcasting their message. Unless.......What religion do you have?

  6. Aga, it sounds as if you do not agree with abiding by the law of the land.
    I would if abroad, why should others try to undermine our laws in the UK?

    Plus, of course, this is about sky fairy nonsense, so unimportant.

  7. "I want my child to learn about English, maths and science."

    This lady is a sensible woman and a good parent.

  8. I wonder what the response would be if parents not from the RoP were to stop their children's school visit to a mosque as that 'religion' promotes mutilation of female children, buggering of male children, stoning of rape victims, killing anyone who is not a Muslim, and the taking of sex slaves, amongst other actions?

  9. If it was my children I would take them out and complain too. They are at school to learn not be brainwashed with PC stupid ideas. I am no Muslim heretic either.

  10. "I want my child to learn about English, maths and science.”

    Tough luck, missus. Islam hates those as well.

  11. Penseivat, There are stories of schools coming down hard on parents who refuse mosque visits including schools where teachers have humiliated children whose parents have refused a mosque visit. In the case of the Birmingham school in question here I have seen articles suggesting that the school is doubling down on its LGBT propaganda despite objections and also that the man behind it resigned from another school because of objections to his propaganda from Christians.

    Like Dr Evil I worry about some of the PC knobwittery that is being pushed in schools and it is a major concern especially as the Govt don't seem to be doing anything to stop lunatics such as the pro paediatric gender transition group Mermaids from operating in schools.

  12. F211,
    At a local school, a number of parents were taken to task by the school for not allowing their children to visit a mosque. However, when Muslim parents refused to give permission for their children to visit a synagogue, and then the local CofE church, no one said a word. Double standards abound, it seems, in the control of children.

  13. "...I bet the school and the local council will cave in to Muslim pressure over this teaching..."

    So far, they've doubled down, wheeling out the head to defend the policy. But I'll be keeping an eye on it, and I expect you will too.

    "Simple advice for this mother:

    If you cannot accept the laws of the land you are in the wrong land."

    Good point!

    "This lady is a sensible woman and a good parent."

    Another good point.

    "Tough luck, missus. Islam hates those as well."

    Heh! Now you know why popcorn's in short supply!

  14. "...especially as the Govt don't seem to be doing anything to stop lunatics such as the pro paediatric gender transition group Mermaids from operating in schools."

    This is very sinister organisation, and I wonder who is giving it permission to do what it does?

    "Double standards abound, it seems, in the control of children."

    If only it was just confined to that...
