Tuesday 29 January 2019

James Bond Could Tell You A Few Tales, Lynne...

Lynne Clucas, 62, had returned home to Northwood Place after a hospital appointment when walking up her driveway she saw her front door was swinging wide open, with glass scattered on the outside pavement.
She said: "I was walking up the path thinking that we may have been broken into.
"There was glass all over the place and the door was kicked in. I was absolutely astounded."
She soon discovered her home, which she shares with her mentally-ill brother, had become the subject of a thorough police raid.
When she went inside an officer told her police had received intelligence that her address was allegedly once used by a drug dealer in their custody.
Oh dear. Well, it happens.
"I said to him, 'there’s no intelligence, that’s not the word'.
"I had come back in a wheelchair. I find it funny that somebody in a wheelchair and 5ft 2 is apparently some big bad criminal," she said.



  1. "Allegedly once used by a drug dealer" is sufficient reason to smash the place up? Out of order, plod.

  2. As everything the Met Police do is with the implied knowledge and permission of the Commissioner, taking Cressida Dick to the small claims court should be worth while.

  3. "As everything the Met Police do is with the implied knowledge and permission of the Commissioner, taking Cressida Dick to the small claims court should be worth while."

    Oooh, more popcorn needed than I have room for!
