Saturday 19 January 2019

Remind Me Again, What Was The Point Of Amending The DDA?

Police have been informed. However, such incidents are usually left to dog wardens.
That's because the lazy bastards need to be held accountable for doing their job. Essex Police have form, yes, but they are far from the only police farce failing in this regard.

Despite the fact they whine about not having the necessary laws to excuse their lack of action, when they are given them (despite not actually needing them), they fail to act again.
"I'd seen three teenage girls with a massive pitbull in St Michael's Road that day," he said.
"It was tall and white and had pointed ears, as if they'd been trimmed.
"I'd actually said, 'There's no way they should be out with that, they can't control it.' You could see it pulling on the lead.
"When my daughter went out with Teddy, the girls were with the dog some way ahead. When it spotted Teddy it just went for him and they couldn't control it."
You'd think the police would look to their own welfare in such issues, wouldn't you?
"My daughter has put out some information on social media, and we've had a big response from that," Mr Woodcock said.
"Lots of people say the owner has a couple of pitbulls and is often seen outside the little shop near here. "
At the moment though, it seems like there's nothing we can do about these dogs."
It's not for you to 'do anything'. We pay people to do that for us. Yet we seemingly have no recourse when they fail to do it.

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