Monday 18 February 2019

2019's VirtueSignalling Olympics - The Competition Hots Up!

Refugees were left with tales to tell after a walk on the wild side in Hay-on-Wye.
The Hay Theatre Group ensured the visitors enjoyed their trip to the border town's primary school when they put on a play.
There was also face-painting and craft workshops for the guests at the event organised by the Hay, Brecon and Talgarth Sanctuary for Refugees (HBTSR).
I wonder if this is a regular occurrence. Do they normally do this sort of thing for lonely pensioners or families caring for the disabled?
Supporters and the local community were again on hand to provide food and essentials, and visitors left with a boot-load of food and toiletries not only for themselves but also for the other refugees and asylum seekers served by Unity in Diversity and Swansea Asylum Seekers Support groups.
More fakecharities, no doubt!
One of the refugees said he was so amazed by the beauty of the countryside and the warm welcome received that, if it were possible in the future, he would move to Hay.
If they do, one wonders how long it will be before the Hereford Times has more vibrant and diverse news stories to report on than bingo, birdwatching and artisan bakeries...

H/T:@Fahrenheit211 via Gab


  1. Fake charities indeed. A brief look at the annual report for Unity in Diversity shows that they have income of tens of thousands of pounds per year of which some appears to come from the other group mentioned Hay, Brecon and Talgarth Sanctuary for refugees. This latter group has unsurprisingly got links with and has received funds (£1000) from a group called City of Sanctuary which has in turn got links with various liberal religious types and the anti British, pro-migrant, pro-Islam group Citizens UK.

    These groups who have been involved in this epic virtue signalling work very closely with mosques and a culture of Islamopandering is very evident when you read the annual reports (see below)

    Unity in Diversity

    Hay, Brecon and Talgarth Sanctuary for refugees

    My comment on 'City of Sanctuary'

  2. This must be that vitally important local journalism our democracy would be much poorer without. As ever, they're not speaking truth to power, they're speaking truth from power.

  3. The Herefordf Times might in future report the usual vibrant and diverse activity but, of one thing you can be quite certain, it won't make the probable connection (well, not in print anyway)

  4. "These groups who have been involved in this epic virtue signalling work very closely with mosques..."


    "This must be that vitally important local journalism our democracy would be much poorer without."


    I note the 'Guardian' was getting very cross in the week about the lack of court reporting, bewailing the fact that 'the real story' wasn't being told, and this might be leading to...

    ...wait for it...

    ...lack of sympathy for the perpetrator! I nearly fell off my chair in surprise!

    "... but, of one thing you can be quite certain, it won't make the probable connection (well, not in print anyway)"

    Spot on! It won't upset that (imported) apple cart.
