Monday 18 February 2019

No, It's Not The Police Who Failed...

In the six years before Ms Gazzard's death, Maslin was arrested 23 times for a variety of offences, including domestic violence, criminal damage, possession of Class A drugs and theft.
He was also involved in 24 violent incidents - three involving Ms Gazzard, 12 involving one former partner, two involving another ex, three involving his mother and four against other unconnected people.
Police apologised after a homicide review revealed that numerous agencies knew about his violent history but didn't share information.
And would it have made the slightest bit of difference if they had? Because I think the answer's 'No'...
Many of his victims routinely refused to support action against him and this may have masked the number and the seriousness of his harassment, threats and violence towards them.
As long as some women are attracted to these types, like moths to an open flame, this will go on and on and on.


  1. I'm going to get this post title printed onto a T shirt Julia, must be a first.

    We go to the same addresses over and over again for domestics. It's very wearing and you know as police if one day it goes past assaults to murder then you are going to get the blame. It's all about covering your arse in my job.

    In general these women love a violent man when the violence is aimed at other people. But eventually they get bitten themselves. Same with drug-dealers skanks as well. Wait for the story to come out in full about the woman and baby who died in Penge London a couple of weeks ago in a car accident (News Shopper).


  2. At least in this case it worked out OK. No innocents were harmed and the bad guy got sent away. Seems like a win to me.

  3. "I'm going to get this post title printed onto a T shirt Julia, must be a first."

    No, not really. Though there's lots to blame the police for, often there isn't. This is one of those times.

    And the demands to 'protect these women' are increasing from all sides. I see nothing ahead but further 'initiatives' and 'action plans' that will change their fates not one jot.

    "At least in this case it worked out OK. No innocents were harmed and the bad guy got sent away."

    For not long enough!

  4. "Wait for the story to come out in full about the woman and baby who died in Penge London a couple of weeks ago in a car accident (News Shopper)."

    I must have missed that one!

  5. Oh, wait! This one?

    My Chav Senses are tingling!

  6. Yes it's going to be a corker . Google the dead woman's boyfriend and then look on his facebook
