Thursday 14 February 2019

I Wonder Why They Are 'That Brazen'..?

PCSO Jude Parr, of the Pembrokeshire Rural Crime Team, said: “People have reported dogs as going missing, some of them have been quite odd circumstances.”
Shockingly, an attempt to steal a whippet in south Pembrokeshire was made while the owners were actually at home.
“We had a call south of the county last week where they actually had their dog, a male leaning over a gate had got a choker lead which he noosed the dog.”
Fortunately, that attempt failed, thanks to the quick-thinking owners and a well-trained dog.
“They [the owners] did a whistle and the dog, which was highly trained, got loose and the male ran off; that has raised concerns again that there is a market for dogs.
“They were in their own property and at home; how quick did that happen?
If they are that brazen, we need to raise concerns.”
Could it possibly be that they are from a demographic which knows only too well that they are untouchable?


  1. That’s my hometown, and you are quite correct.

  2. Undoubtedly you surmise correctly. If only we had politicos who didn't tremble at the left's hurled "racist" epithets and actually did what they know to be right in legislating against these scum and ensuring that the whole Common Purpose trained echelons of Plod are made to enforce the law.

  3. Ted Treen: cP and PC are so entrenched in plod that we’d probably be best offf retiring the whole lot and starting over once we’re out of the EU and have left the EHRC, restricting their mandate to actual crimes against property and persons and explicitly ignoring thoughtcrime. Equally before the law would be refreshing. Possibly some judges and magistrates should attend Re-education Camp.

  4. "Koreans?"

    Heh! But surely, often too old & stringy?

    "That’s my hometown, and you are quite correct."

    My commiserations.

    "...and ensuring that the whole Common Purpose trained echelons of Plod are made to enforce the law."

    That's a task even Hercules would quail at...

    "...we’d probably be best offf retiring the whole lot and starting over once we’re out of the EU and have left the EHRC..."

    I'm not sure even that would help. I hate to be a pessimist, but I am really beginning to think it's not possible to save it.
