Thursday 14 February 2019

Oh Yes There Is!

“There is nothing wrong with the sentence. It remains 18 weeks.”
For one thing, it's far too bloody short!
Kendrick hurled the animal out of a bedroom window in front of his former partner Lucy Lewis and her two children, Mold Crown Court heard.
He then came out of his property and attacked Ms Lewis, almost pushing her in front of an oncoming vehicle.
What a charmer! Only his lawyer could possibly love him.
...his barrister, Matthew Curtis, argued Kendrick had been treated harshly and a community sentence would have been more appropriate.
“These are unpleasant and cruel offences as part of what he says was a ‘bad break-up’.
Having 'a bad break up' usually means solicitor's letters and arguments over who gets the breadmaker and wide screen TV, not pet abuse and assault.
“There were a number of pushes on his former partner, but this was of lower culpability and the starting point is a medium-level community order,” said Mr Curtis, who asked that Kendrick be resentenced for both offences.
Pity the judge didn't say 'Fine. Make it 36 weeks!'
“It was a deliberate action to throw the dog out of the window, but fortunately there is no evidence that the harm was greater.
It's a mitigation now to say that the fall didn't kill it?!
“He (Kendrick) has spent two weeks in custody in Altcourse and HMP Berwyn, but his pre-sentence report identified programmes that would prevent offending of this sort.”
I know what would prevent reoffending. And I doubt it's the same thing Mr Curtis meant.

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