Wednesday 27 February 2019

The Snip Would Have Been A Better Idea!

A grandfather with 17 grandchildren stood outside for hours to raise awareness about global warming to help preserve young people’s future.
Michael Pulham, from Waldron, stood in Heathfield High Street for five hours with his placard saying “Save our children from global heating”.
Well, when you have so many of them...
He said: “I don’t know if there was anything organised in the area, but we certainly had a good response in the high street.”
“We managed to fill two whole pages of signatures which probably adds up to about 40 or 50.”
“We will be presenting these to our local MP, Nus Ghani, to try and encourage her to put more pressure on the Government to stand against global heating.”
I bet they go straight into the round file...


  1. He surely should be old enough to know better. We have now had more than three decades of failed doomsday predictions from the climate change alarmists. This guy hasn't caught on that they are full of shit yet?

  2. Good thing he was not holding a Bible. The Hate Police would have been right on to him.

  3. "We have now had more than three decades of failed doomsday predictions from the climate change alarmists."

    I'm stilll waiting for the Ice Age I was promised in the early Seventies...

    "Where's the 'like' button?"


    "Good thing he was not holding a Bible. The Hate Police would have been right on to him."

    Good point! Not a Koran, though. Perish the thought!
