Thursday 28 February 2019

Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder...

New planters, lighting columns and benches are being installed in Southend as part of a project to improve access and create a more attractive gateway to the town.
Oh, super! It could really do with some prett...


Yeah, well. They do have form, after all.
Andrew Moring, councillor for infrastructure, said: “I’m pleased to see work progressing on the landscaping of this important gateway to the town.
"The clever design allows us to introduce greenery to an area where planting trees into the ground was not an option due to the large number of pipes and cables beneath the road, as well as introducing attractive new lighting and seating.
“I’d like to thank all the local businesses who fed into the final design by sharing their ideas.”
So, you know who to blame..!


  1. All that installation needs is a couple of guard towers and it would look very much like a section of the fence from a WWII POW camp. Is it a case of 'Escape from Stalag Southend'?

  2. Improve access? You couldn't get down the road before?

  3. This is what happens when you sweep up all the alkys and scag heads and give them a hammer and nails! I suppose the idea is to have people sit still so the aggressive beggars and scum (but I repeat myself) don't have to chase after them.

  4. Fair does. They double as riot barriers when the post Brexit insurrection comes to pass.

  5. "Improve access? You couldn't get down the road before?"

    You could get down it a sight easier without having to maneuver around these excrescences!

    " I suppose the idea is to have people sit still so the aggressive beggars and scum (but I repeat myself) don't have to chase after them."

    They are more likely to be monopolised by the beggars, so they can hassle passers-by in comfort!
