Tuesday 5 February 2019

What's the Mandarin for 'What On Earth Is This Stuff?' Then..?

Hoteliers in the Scottish Highlands are being urged to learn Mandarin and provide chopsticks to capitalise on growing numbers of Chinese tourists.
The Highlands are becoming increasingly fashionable among China’s burgeoning middle classes and super-rich and the Highland and Islands Enterprise development agency is organising China Ready workshops to help restaurateurs and businesses to cater for them.
Excellent news, we should applaud efforts to..

Wait, what?
Monica Lee-Macpherson, chairwoman of the Scottish Highlands and Islands and Moray Chinese Association, said B&B owners should provide Pot Noodles and disposable chopsticks in rooms and urged restaurants to create picture menus.
Pot Noodles..?!?

H/T: SassyCassy via Twitter


  1. From the nation that brought you roasted puppies, pickled carp testicles and raw sea urchins, we learn that Haggis is food that even they don't eat.

  2. I'm married into a Chinese family and they will pretty much eat anything ( our new year feast this week was quite impressive) but pot noodles? no not under any circumstances.

  3. Bloke in Germany in Austria5 February 2019 at 18:58

    Supermarkets in China are stuffed to the rafters with instant noodle dishes, if not Pot Noodle itself then essentially identical stuff.

  4. Scotland is chock full of Chinese restaurants, take-aways and Chinese run chippies.
    We love em. Every town has several and villages maybe one.
    Once lived in Stevenage. Best fish n chips and Chinese was served up by a Chinese lady with Glasgow, Govan, accent. Loved it.
    Racist BBC pretend they don't exist.
    Maybe the high-hied-yins of Scottish quangos just watch BBC and do not walk, you know, using those things on the end of each leg, down our mean streets.

  5. "From the nation that brought you roasted puppies, pickled carp testicles and raw sea urchins..."

    It is said they'd eat anything with four legs and wings, except a table and a Cessna!

    "...and they will pretty much eat anything.."

    Thanks for confirming! :D And yes, Pot Noodles are ghastly, and I say that as someone who really likes Vesta Paella.

    "Supermarkets in China are stuffed to the rafters with instant noodle dishes.."

    They have to be better quality, surely?

    "Racist BBC pretend they don't exist."

    If people integrate, they drop off the BBC list of 'interesting ethnic people'.
