Tuesday 5 February 2019

Who Is More Important?

People with 'learning difficulties'?
Essex County Council created an Easy Read version of its survey asking residents what they think of proposals to close a third of libraries in the next five years.
“This image was specifically chosen to help communicate with people with learning disabilities.”
Or the 'transgender community'?
Save our Libraries Essex campaigner Liz Miles, from Wivenhoe, complained to the council. She said: “The clip art image is discriminatory and deeply offensive.
“It is a shockingly negative and inaccurate image, showing a person who appears to be miserable and confused, but on closer inspection is a man removing a wig.
There's only one way to find out, isn't there? Oh, wait!
“We are sorry for any offence caused. We listened to feedback and the image is being removed.”


  1. I wonder if anyone in Essex County Council has linked the closure of libraries with the need to have easy read surveys with pictures?

  2. Bloke in Germany in Austria5 February 2019 at 19:00

    I thought that the current orthodoxy was that transgender "women" were really really women, and transgender "men" really really men. Really real ones. It's very hard to avoid giving offence when the orthodoxy changes all the time.

  3. "I wonder if anyone in Essex County Council has linked the closure of libraries with the need to have easy read surveys with pictures?"

    In some parts of Essex, you could have a library on every street corner, and still need 'em!

    "It's very hard to avoid giving offence when the orthodoxy changes all the time."

    Working, I suspect, as intended!
