Thursday 7 March 2019

Perhaps He's A Magician...?

Ryan Tudor, 27, of Kilworth Avenue, Southend, was due in court to answer charges following a stabbing and a robbery in Southend.
He had been transported from HMP Chelmsford by prison staff on Monday morning ahead of his court appearance.
But the hearing had to be postponed after the court was informed Tudor had suffered superficial cuts to his wrist and face which were self-inflicted.
If they were superficial, why postpone? That's no doubt what he wanted!
After receiving treatment from court staff, Tudor appeared in the dock with bandages on his wrists which were visibly bloody.
Addressing the court, Judge Leigh (Ed: Yup, her!) said: “Can I ask how this happened? I want a report into how this happened. There is a responsibility to search.
*rolls eyes*
Judge Leigh told the court she was unhappy to take a plea from Tudor in light of the incident and postponed the hearing until March 21.
Anything to avoid doing your job, eh, Samantha?
A spokesman for the prison service told the Echo Tudor was searched but that the prison service would work with the courts to provide an explanation to Judge Leigh about how the blade was smuggled in.
The spokesman said: “Usual protocol was followed and the prisoner was fully searched before leaving the prison. We are reviewing the incident and will take appropriate action.”
It is understood a full search involves being strip-searched and inspected with a metal detector prior to leaving the prison.
Maybe it was missed. Or maybe someone should be looking at the court staff as well?

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