Thursday 7 March 2019

Peacekeeping - Yr Doin' It Wrong!

Brodie Strudwick said he was ‘acting as peacemaker’ between two of his friends when the incident occurred, but rather than helping things remain calm, the 19-year-old kicked his friend in the face, leaving him with a fractured jaw.
Oooh, I'm pretty sure that's not how it's done! How did this all come about, anyway?
Prosecuting, Tracey Yates said that Strudwick had invited Mr Anforth’s girlfriend, Amelia, over to his house so the pair could wait for him (Mr Anforth) to arrive after work.
The friends had planned a gathering and more people arrived at the home.
When Mr Anforth arrived at Strudwick’s house, emotions were said to be running high and everybody was asked to leave.
Sounds like an episode of a particularly downmarket soap, doesn't it? One that makes 'Eastenders' look like Ibsen...
A short while later Strudwick saw the couple on a bench together outside his house.
Mrs Yates said: “Matthew and Amelia were becoming emotional, talking about their relationship.
“Mr Strudwick and and a fourth friend went outside, and approached the pair. Some kind of remark was made by Mr Strudwick about how Mr Anforth had told him he could sleep with his girlfriend Amelia.”
A scuffle ensued and Strudwick kicked Mr Anforth in the face, breaking his jaw.
Lovely people, I'm sure...


  1. I'm increasingly convinced that large chunks of the population think they are living in a soap opera, just like rich kids in Hale Barns fantasising about being gangsters.

    It's the natural end product of years of liberals in the MSM ramming home the message that being an actual, normal member of society makes you either a chump or a fascist, depending on how rich you are.

  2. I've worked in pubs and clubs for years and can tell you with 100% certainty, a so called 'Peacemaker', always inflames any situation

  3. To be fair, if Mr Answorth had said that about my 'love interest', I would have broke his jaw. Rough justice, I'm sure, but deserved in the circumstances.

  4. I know no child is responsible for the name it's lumbered with, but I sometimes wonder if they don't grow into them.

  5. "...large chunks of the population think they are living in a soap opera..."

    Shows how easy life really is for most people, doesn't it?

    "...and can tell you with 100% certainty, a so called 'Peacemaker', always inflames any situation"

    The numbers that wind up stabbed themselves tell the story!

    "Rough justice, I'm sure, but deserved in the circumstances."

    Modern chivalry! :)

    "...but I sometimes wonder if they don't grow into them."

    Good point!
