Wednesday 17 April 2019

If You Support The RSPCA, This Is Where Your Money Goes...

John Knibbs is wanted by police for leading a gang responsible for orchestrating dog fights.
Knibbs failed to attend sentencing at Lincoln Magistrates Court on Monday morning after being found guilty of animal cruelty.
The fugitive, formerly of Sleaford, was seen allowing dogs to fight each other in a video found by detectives.
He should be fed to his monstrous beasts when - if! - they catch him.

Sorry, that should be 'catch him again'...
This is the third time Knibbs has been prosecuted for dog fighting even though he was banned from keeping animal for the rest of his life in 2009.
But then, as I've pointed out before, if no-one is monitoring these scum, what's the point of a ban at all?
Hazel Stevens, RSPCA, said during the trial: "At the time of the raid Steele claimed to own all of the dogs.
"We are looking after the dogs in kennels for £15,700 a year. Some are so dangerous they need to be darted before the staff can go inside."
Why are you looking after them? They should all be shot, and not with tranquilisers. They are a drain on your precious resources, aren't they?


  1. So what are they going to do with the dogs? Carry on looking after them for the next umpteen years or rehome them with families looking for a cuddly addition to their home? Dear oh dear.

  2. The dogs should be humanely put down - but only after they’ve made their last meal out of this this scumhead.

  3. The RSPCA kill huge numbers of healthy, well socialised animals daily. The excuses they use are arbitrary. Keeping fighting dogs in kennels is not only a ludicrous use of funds, it's vile for the dogs. No one will ever succeed in magically making these dogs safe to live as pets or working dogs. It would be more humane to put them down immediately. They have suffered enough in their fighting lives.

    Typical RSPCA, not good for animals, not good for people, not fit for purpose.

  4. "So what are they going to do with the dogs?"


    "... but only after they’ve made their last meal out of this this scumhead."


    "The RSPCA kill huge numbers of healthy, well socialised animals daily. The excuses they use are arbitrary. Keeping fighting dogs in kennels is not only a ludicrous use of funds, it's vile for the dogs."

    I expected them to use the excuse that they were 'evidence'.
