Thursday 18 April 2019

No, Actually, She Was A Wolf. Just Not An Alpha.

“She just turned 21 a few days ago and she got taken out of YO (Young Offenders) and put in remand with all the junkies and down-and-outs.
“There would be drug deals going on, lots of bullying. She was a sheep in a wolf’s den.
“She was the sweetest thing. She was a lovely lassie that made a mistake, and she was sorry for what she did.”
And more like the runt of the pack. But even weak wolves have teeth.

What was she in for, again?
Ms Allan was jailed for 16 months in February for two charges relating to a hit-and-run on Eastwoodmains Road in Giffnock, East Renfrewshire, on the evening of August 10 last year.
The student struck a 15-year-old boy who was out jogging at 9pm, leaving him unconcious and bleeding from the head, though he later recovered.
Ms Allan, who was 20 at the time, was later stopped by the police and found to be four times above the legal drink-drive limit.
Hmmm, time for this again:


  1. This kind of stagnant material drifts around until it is finally snagged by the plod employment net.

  2. I think even they have standards.
