Thursday 9 May 2019

I Thought Pitbulls Would Be Phased Out...?

Maxine Chapman failed to keep her dog, called Tank, “under proper control” near her home in Craven Road in Brighton.
Brighton and Hove City Council’s animal warden brought a prosecution against her at the magistrates’ court last month.
Wow! A council official doing their job! As rare as a chave with a cocker spaniel, that is...
She has agreed to a court order stating six actions she must take, otherwise Tank could be put down.
He must be muzzled while outside her home, even in a garden. He must be kept on a lead no longer than six feet away, and can only be walked by her, Jack Chapman, or a trained dog behaviour expert.
Chapman must get insurance to cover £5 million of liability, and get Tank microchipped.
The dog must also be castrated if this has not already happened, and proof from the vet must be given to the council.
All things you need to comply with under the DDA to legally own a pitbull or pitbull type dog. I pity the neighbours.


  1. One bullet or a syringe full of SPB would be a lot cheaper than the repeated court cases when she can't manage or more likely, won't bother to keep to this court order.

    1. One bullet or a syringe full of SPB would be a lot cheaper than the repeated court cases when she can't manage or more likely, won't bother to keep to this court order.

      But then who would look after the dog?

  2. Oh I don't know, I expect that by the time Mr & Mrs Chavpot have given up trying to obtain remotely affordable pet liability insurance for tank, the mutt will be drowned it a ditch in a plastic bag within a matter of days...

  3. "But then who would look after the dog?"


    "...the mutt will be drowned it a ditch in a plastic bag within a matter of days..."

    A happy ending!
