Friday 10 May 2019

"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize..."

Chief inspector John Charlton of GMP’s Bolton district said: “Those who think they can hide behind a keyboard and disseminate this kind of harmful material should expect to be investigated."
Paedophile material?

Terrorist threats?

More anti-semitism from Labour?
Two videos being shared on Facebook of a man pretending to pray to 'Aladdin' in a Muslim prayer room are being investigated as a hate crime.
Well, John, you're gonna be a busy boy, aren't you? Snap to it, son!
A woman from Halliwell who is visiting the hospital said she recognised the room immediately when she was shown the video.
She said: "It's weird to me that people would do that and share it publicly, like it's something normal, it's not normal."
When it's the art world doing it, it's perfectly normal. Even celebrated.

H/T: KeyserSosse via Twitter


  1. I totally agree with the Police. After all, it's not as if Muslims desecrate or disrespect any place of worship of other faiths. Death by stoning, hanged from a crane, burnt alive, or watching a performance by Emma 'Don't fly me' Thompson is the least the offender should expect.
    Presumably, if Allan is omnipotent, then that should include him/her/it having a sense of humour, something Allan's (or Alladin's) followers seem to lack.

  2. In to point out the obvious: this is the same Greater Personchester Police that saw nothing harmful in Salman Abedi's behaviour right up until he blew up the Manchester Arena. They didn't just fail to put the pieces together, they affirmatively threatened and harassed anyone who suggested there was a jigsaw in the first place.

  3. I seem to recall that the appalling and draconian 'Racial and Religous Hatred Act of 2006 had inserted in it, by the House of Lords, a mockery clause that permitted mockery of various faiths. This action would in my view come under the mockery clause and should therefore be no business at all of the police. This is especially the case when the force in question can't get it together to deal with real crimes but can find the resources to deal with non crime like this.

    Mockery of those who are po-faced (in this case the religion of permanent offence) has a long and distinguished tradition in the UK and should never ever be considered as a 'crime'

  4. 'Their' could be no better time for the 'educatid' to demonstrate her life skills with a mop. The dribbles of some Greater Manchester Charlie and our own Penise require your attention, Jaded.

  5. As trigger-happy plod snipers assume positions around the Baker residence in response to the royal chimp gaffe, we can all be relieved that police claims to be under-resourced were fabrications. It is also reassuring to hear that after a good shave, this kid looks normal.

    Plodnote: the description 'kid' must not be deliberately taken out of context.

  6. "..or watching a performance by Emma 'Don't fly me' Thompson.."

    Cruel and unusual!

    "They didn't just fail to put the pieces together, they affirmatively threatened and harassed anyone who suggested there was a jigsaw in the first place."

    Indeed. Though are they really worse than any other farce? I don't think there's one that hasn't appeared in this blog at some time or other..

    "...had inserted in it, by the House of Lords, a mockery clause that permitted mockery of various faiths."

    Hold on, PC Plod has only got to 'L' in the dictionary.

    "...we can all be relieved that police claims to be under-resourced were fabrications."

    I never believe those any more. It seems they can always find manpower when this sort of thing occurs.

  7. Meanwhile, England is infested with "Asian" Moslem rape gangs but this nutless cuck leaves them alone in order to fight wayshism
