Monday 27 May 2019

I'll Just Leave This Here, Shall I?

No further comment required...


  1. Mr Plod must be relieved that a public showing its contempt for a rotten Establishment, are not yet voting on the future on an equally despised public service.

  2. Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch of duplicitous mendacious excrement than the one which currently infests the Palace of Westminster.

  3. Well done Melvin, you have seen a post about the EU elections and turned it into yet another snide dig against the police. You really are a sad obsessed little man.

  4. Patience, WC Jaded. Venit.

  5. "...not yet voting on the future on an equally despised public service."

    That day may yet come...

    "Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch of duplicitous mendacious excrement than the one which currently infests the Palace of Westminster."

    Soon we'll be voting on their replacements from the pool of... err... oh.
