Thursday 27 June 2019

It's Spreading...

We predicted it would.
Councillor Rohit Dasgupta was sent a copy of the flier passed to some parents in Forest Gate last week.
The leaflet attacked the introduction of relationships and sex education (RSE), which will become compulsory in schools from September 2020.
The flier claimed the new curriculum would "pervert the course of natural child development" and promote homosexuality and transgenderism to children.
Hard to disagree.
Cllr Dasgupta, a lecturer at Loughborough University and councillor for Canning Town south, said: "These leaflets are homophobic and transphobic and I don't want anyone in the LGBT community to feel worried or scared to express who they are."
Shouldn't everyone be able to do that, no matter to what 'community' they claim to belong?


  1. Someone should be listening to these parents. Secondary school, sure. Primary school, no. Let children be innocent for a while.

  2. Why would anyone in the LGBT community be worried to express who they are if we were to decide it might not be a good idea to teach young children about sex?
    Unless it's just another good excuse to say, "Look at me, look at me!"

  3. The LGBT so-called 'community forms what percentage of the British population? As far as I am aware it is a minuscule proportion. If I am correct, why is there so much effort made in trying to appease their ever-greater demands for attention? Leave the children alone. Let them grow up normally without being bombarded with sexually deviant persons clamoring for attention and approval of their deviancy?

  4. "Secondary school, sure. Primary school, no."

    My thoughts exactly.

    "Unless it's just another good excuse to say, "Look at me, look at me!""

    Spot on! Actually, for both groups.

    "If I am correct, why is there so much effort made in trying to appease their ever-greater demands for attention?"

    Squeaky wheels, grease. Some assembly required.
