Friday 28 June 2019

Oh Dear, How Sad, Never Mind...

A man accused of bringing large amounts of drugs into Gloucestershire has been killed in a driveby shooting in Birmingham last month.
Wait, wait, I know it's here somewhere....

Following his death his family told Birmingham Live : "Our family, friends and all who knew Dante are absolutely broken beyond belief.
"Dante was the epitome of kind, caring and thoughtful.
"The tributes that we have heard are testament of this.
"Dante will be terribly missed. Not only is his murder a huge loss to our family but also a considerable loss to the community."
Oh, I'm sure there are other dealers, love...


  1. I don't think we're being told the whole story here. From the report on this are we to understand that this scrote's co-defendants were released from court after, by coincidence, no evidence was offered by the Crown? Reading between the lines: either Dante was going to give Crown's Evidence against his mates (and death intervened) or the Crown was so upset about this hero's death that they rewarded his fellow-scrotes a "get out of jail free" card. Some unanswered questions here or, rather, unasked questions by Gloucestershire Live.

  2. You should've called it "Dantes Peak

  3. Now he's gone, let's hope he enjoys his Inferno (which sounds like a pizza)

  4. "I don't think we're being told the whole story here. "

    We almost never are!

    "You should've called it "Dantes Peak"

    I was going to point out that he wasn't 'terribly missed' by the shooter..!
