Friday 28 June 2019

This Is Unknown In The History Of Mankind!

A nursery has been told it “requires improvement” by inspectors after a report said...
There were live electrical wires exposed? They'd employed a foreign murderer? Not enough 'diversity'?
...children are "disobedient, throw toys and say inappropriate and unkind things to others".
In other words, 'are children'.
Little Stars Nursery in Devonshire Road, Gravesend, had previously been given an “inadequate” rating and despite improvements since the last Ofsted visit was criticised for failing to “manage children’s challenging behaviour”.
Funny how no-one ever dares criticise the parents, eh?

Reading the report, it's actually clear there's very little wrong with this place:
The report said: “The manager and staff communicate well with parents and keep them involved in their children’s learning.
“Children are allocated a key person who gets to know their individual personalities well and enjoy the company of staff.”
It added that “safeguarding is effective”, and that “the manager ensures that she always deploys staff well”.
So what's the issue?
However, the nursery was criticised for planning “generic” next steps for children, such as reading books, and described their overall behaviour as “poor”.
Wait, I thought encouraging reading was to be cheered as a way to stop us all wearing MAGA hats in the future? I just can't keep up!
To improve, Little Stars was instructed to implement effective behaviour management techniques, and ensure children have “a better range of resources, activities and adult-led learning opportunities”.
Anything else?
It also suggested the nursery creates more opportunities for pupils “to explore and investigate the natural world”.
Some nurseries go a bit too far in this regard...


  1. "throw toys and say inappropriate and unkind things to others"."
    Sounds like the modern 'Left'
