Monday 24 June 2019

Send Them All For Anger Management Training!

Passengers and crew pinned the 25-year-old woman to the ground while the aircraft returned to Stansted Airport around 5pm yesterday...
...'Cabin crew grabbed her to stop she starts scratching them hitting them, she then got pinned to the floor by cabin crew and passengers, a passenger even sat on her.
'She kept getting up and running back towards the door, she had six people sitting her we had to fly back to Stansted for the police to get her.'
How dare they manhandle a lady, am I right? And I don't want to see any disturbing levels of support for their actions either!


  1. Jeeez! Imagine being forced to return to STANSTEAD!!!!!

  2. I think that it is fair to say that kicking off on a plane might have potentially more serious consequences than getting a bit gobby after gatecrashing a party. That said, I think that both women got what they deserved.

  3. Perhaps the pilot could have gone low enough where one of the doors could be opened and the screaming bitch 'allowed to leave the plane'. I'm sure it's what she would have wanted.

  4. " Imagine being forced to return to STANSTEAD!!!!!"

    The horror, the horror...

    "That said, I think that both women got what they deserved."


    "I'm sure it's what she would have wanted."

    She might have landed in Southend High St, though, and we have enough screaming harpies already...
